Saturday, March 11, 2006


Falling into the "so bad it's good" category, this is one of the better films adapted from a Stephen King novel (yeah, they're usually terrible). The sassy, deceptive clown Pennywise is in your drains, kids!! And despite what he says about floating if you join him in his lair (whatever the hell that means), you won't, you'll just die. He's a tricky man, using ballons and other sorts of circus entertainment as deadly bait to lure down children to their death. Especially stupid kids like Georgie. He was defeated, I swear he was defeated, by the most annoying group of pre-teen children I've ever seen in a movie. But was he really defeated? Of course not. The group reunites years later to find themselves facing Sir Pennywise one again, only this time he has shed his goody-goody clown look and is now a giant spider. That's no joke. (** out of ****)


Anonymous said...

Haha...I remember watching this as a kid, just cuz I was in love with Jonathan Brandis.

A pretty creepy movie, but the stupid spider ending ruins it all.

Gorky said...

Finally, a smart person (Reveiwer Sarah) actually says - out loud - that Stephen King movies mostly suck. Although I think that this movie deserves a 2 1/4 or even 2 1/2.3 stars. Of all the King crap, this was one of the better. #2. #3 being Tommyknockers and #1 tying in with Children of the Corn and The Shawshank Redemption.

Gorky said...

P.S. King Kong just wanted the worlds largest banana.

Anonymous said...

@gorky: Please. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that most King stories (novels, novellas, whatever) made into movies have been ruined in the process. The best example of this is probably The Running Man. By the time it was done the only thing left of the story he wrote was the title. Or maybe The Lawnmower man. Same thing. The Stand was pretty faithful to the book, though, as I recall. It's been ages since I read it. And yes, I've read most of the books before they were movies.