Friday, March 02, 2007

The Stepford Wives

Katherine Ross stars in this little-known cult favorite as Joanna Eberhart, a wife and mother reluctantly moving out of New York city. Her family relocates to a picturesque town called Stepford. With all the manicured lawns and perfectly tidy homes come manicured, perfectly tidy wives. All what these women seem to want to do is clean, cook and bend over backward to please their husbands. While a believer in equality, Joanna is disgusted at this 50's-like lifestyle. But with deeper investigation, Joanna discovers that there may be more to Stepford than a just a prim, Leave it to Beaver way of life. Based on a novel by Ira Levin, the same writer of Rosemary's Baby, this is one of those films that's creepy in a way that primarily females could understand, but males would probably enjoy also. There was also a 2004 remake, but I've yet to see it, since I usually can't sit through a whole movie with Nicole Kidman. This, however, is a good find. (*** out of ****)