Saturday, March 11, 2006


Another great, overlooked horror film. Bill Paxton directed and also stars in this Hitchcockian mind teaser about murder, betrayal and faith (sounds juicy, doesn't it?). Paxton plays "Dad", nameless Dad, who believes to have gotten commands from God to destroy "demons", and must enlist the help of his sons. Sounds fun, but the demons appear to be regular people you'd see walking down the street. The youngest son, Adam, is all game, but older, non-believing son Fenton sees the demon destruction as murder. Those teens and their rebelious stages! Very well shot, acted and a very nice scene of Matthew McConaughey (you'll know when you see it) makes the film a must see. Watch to the end for big twist. (**** out of ****)

1 comment:

Chris said...

This was an excellent debut for him as a director.