Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Blue Velvet

David Lynch's most well-known film, although a bit overrated in my opinion, does manage to give you the willies. Kyle Maclachlan plays the early 20-something Jeffery who lives in a virtuous, pristine, 50's-like small town. One day, the innocence (very funnily portrayed as tongue-in-cheek) is shattered when he finds a severed ear in a field. He becomes obbsessed with getting to the bottom of the story, and enlists the help of the sheriff's daughter, Sandy (Laura Dern). One night, his investigating leads him to the apartment of a strange nightclub singer, Dorothy (Isabella Rossellini). He's also introduced, in a really strange scene, to the psychotic Frank (everyone knows he's played by Dennis Hopper). As the film progresses, Jeffery learns what's behind the sick relationship between the two. While I warn you not expect the greatness it's reputed to have, Blue Velvet is without a doubt one disturbing film. Kidnapping, murder, sadism and man-make-up abound. Made as more of an art form, it' really unlike any other film you'll see. The surrealism lynch used is not for every taste and the bizarre content is not for the weak-stomached, but I definitely recommend it for fans of the stronger stuff. Or creepy sadists like Frank. "Baby wants blue velvet!" (*** out of ****)


Gorky said...

Don't know if I'd consider this so much a "horror" but is definatly suspensful. A young Kyle Maclaclin and Laura Dern used in other Lynch pictures are awesome as always. This is one of Lynchs more understandable works as it has a point A, B and a straight line in b/w them verses something all over the place like "Lost Highway". Definatly recommended. :}

Sarah said...

It's gorky!! Yes, I do agree that this really isn't a horror film, so I probably shouldn't have put it on my blog, but it still does give me the creeps. The only performance more insane than Dennis Hopper in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet. "Mommy!" Ewwwwww.....