Thursday, December 01, 2005

28 Days Later

Low- budget UK import about an epidemic that has turned most of the world's population into flesh-hungry zombies. There are only a few survivors trying to out-run the monsters, attempting to seek refuge at an army base. Better than any Living Dead film! What I especially liked about this movie was the speed and aggression of the zombies. They're not the usual braindead sulkers. They're just as fast as you are and outnumber by the 100's. Also, a great soundtrack, high quality acting, and the empty London scene make this the best zombie film I have ever seen. (**** oout of ****)


Emma S. Elisabet said...

You really should work more on this blog, if it becomes really well done and often updated you will have a smaller following.

MIne is sort of ego centered...but should onw do?

Chris said...

Just remember, this is not a zombie film. The "zombies" are just infected humans. Great movie nonetheless. Part of the proof of how versatile director Danny Boyle is, when taken with his other films like Trainspotting and Millions. Plus we got introduced to up and comer Cillian Murphy who is a future star (check him in Batman Begins and Red Eye).

Anonymous said...

Gah. They're not zombies and it's not "most of the world's population." That was a ruse.